Linea Nigra: Is it Normal?

Dr. Kimberly Langdon, MD
Reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon, MDWritten by Neve Spicer Updated on September 30th, 2021

During your nine-month pregnancy, your body goes through some of the most rapid and significant changes you’ll ever experience.

It’s easy to explain why your belly and bust are expanding, but changes like increased hair growth and hyperpigmentation can be frustrating and confusing.

Linea nigra, a linear darkening of a portion of belly skin that may occur during pregnancy, is fairly common – in fact, up to 9 in 10 pregnant people will experience it, and it’s not unusual to see a clearly visible line in images of full-term pregnancies.

Technically, this line is called linea gravidarum in pregnancy. ‘Gravida’ means pregnant. It’s still a standard query at early OB-GYN visits, however, as many are eager to know what causes this common condition, if it affects their child in any way, and if it can be prevented. 1A clinical study of skin changes in pregnancy

Editor’s note: Linea gravidarum is the same as linea nigra, except that it only happens in pregnant women and has no effect on the baby or the mother’s health.

What is it, and what causes it to appear?

Linea nigra, taken from the Latin words for “black line”, is the medical term for a common condition in which the pigmentation of a naturally existing line extending from your pubic bone to your navel becomes darker during pregnancy.

The darkening of the line may stop at your belly button, but it can also extend all the way to the bottom of your ribs. 2Knowing what is normal. Obstetrics & Gynecology

It’s nearly impossible to see that this line exists before pregnancy, and doctors aren’t completely sure why the pigmentation change occurs so commonly.

It’s postulated that our melanocytes, the same cells that create freckles and give us our tan after a day in the sun, are triggered by the huge estrogen boost that pregnancy creates.

In fact, your belly isn’t the only place you might sport darkened skin during pregnancy – chloasma, the darkening of facial skin during pregnancy, is thought to be experienced by over half of pregnant people.

Does the development of this condition affect healthy pregnancies or signify anything to be aware of?

Fortunately, this common skin condition is fully cosmetic and has no ties to the health of pregnant parents or babies.

There are no special precautions or medical interventions required, and the line will naturally fade and eventually return to its normal invisible state within months after your baby is born.

Before science was able to refute these claims outright, some people claimed that the length of the line, or whether it appeared at all, were predictors of gender.

Though it’s fun to think about, we know for certain that this isn’t true and that the line is simply a common, non-preventable dermatological condition of pregnancy.

Is there any way to prevent the development of this condition?

There is no way to prevent increases in skin pigmentation during pregnancy, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent the worsening of the condition and minimize its appearance.

If you don’t mind the presence of the line, then it’s unnecessary to do anything at all, as it will have no impact on either you or your baby’s health, so allowing it to occur is just fine.

If feeling self-conscious, however, consider these tips:

  • They’re great for portion control. Make healthy food picks and keep taking your prenatals: If you’re not taking prenatal vitamins, it’s not too late to start. They’re a great way to boost folic acid, which can be lacking during pregnancy and may be linked to skin discolorations as well as morning sickness. 3Pregnancy and skin

If starting a regimen early in pregnancy, you’re likely to reap the most benefit when it comes to reducing pigmentation increases. A healthy diet that includes dark greens and whole grains will also give you a helpful folic acid boost.

  • Don’t sunbathe. This seems pretty clear-cut, since we know that our melanocytes are already working in overdrive. Exposure to the sun, especially without sunblock, can worsen this condition as well as chloasma. Sunscreen does help, but your best bet for avoiding this major trigger is to stay dressed and in the shade when the sun’s at its peak.
  • Cover it up. The same makeup you use on your face can be used to conceal the appearance of the line. However, this can be a bit messy, and certainly won’t work well with clothes, so proceed with caution.

Does it only happen to pregnant people?

As it’s suggested that this hyperpigmentation is caused by an excess of estrogen, it follows that it can also be connected to hormonal imbalance.

One common condition, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, has been demonstrated to result in the darkening of the line in some people.

Addison’s disease, a rare disorder that inhibits the production of cortisol and aldosterone, can also make this line more prominent.

Notably, it’s possible for the condition to occur in men occasionally, when linked with either benign or malignant afflictions of the prostate and to drugs that block androgens.

Does this condition ever go away? How long does it take, and what can you do to speed the process?

Concerned parents can take heart in the fact that, yes, this hyperpigmentation does fade after pregnancy. In almost all cases, the line will fade away neatly within a few months postpartum. 4Pregnancy week by week

Much as there is nothing that can be done to prevent the condition, there’s not a lot that can be done to speed its recovery.

Continuing to maintain a vitamin regimen and a diet rich in folic acid can help, and avoiding exposure to the sun will prevent further darkening.

Linea nigra is a part of pregnancy for up to 90% of pregnant women. It’s not a condition that can be prevented, but minimizing sun exposure is the #1 way that expectant parents can avoid worsening this hyperpigmentation.

There’s no connection between its appearance and the health of the parent or baby, and it will disappear within months after your child is born, making it, ultimately, one of the most innocuous phenomenons of pregnancy.

Dr. Kimberly Langdon, MD
Reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon, MDWritten by Neve Spicer Updated on September 30th, 2021

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