I recently did some home baking with my 4-year-old daughter, Leyla. We were extremely meticulous as we followed the recipe. Sadly, the cake collapsed into a pitiful heap of chocolate goo. Fortunately, it still tasted amaaazing!

Hmmm… chocolate goo.
Knowing that I wouldn’t be the first mom to raise up an undead cake, I searched on the internet and found some truly monstrous examples of baking gone wrong.
(I’m going to be honest, when I found these, I laughed so hard I almost wet myself!)
Here goes…
Our picks of the best horror cakes
#1 The ‘Turn your kids off Peppa Pig’ sponge

#2 You won’t be sleeping tonight, Tommy

#3 A Seance Sponge for when ‘deceased relatives’ are invited

#4 Mom, please let Leandro grow up. He’s 36!

#5 Drag Queen Frozen

#6 So a bowl of tomatoes for pudding, then?

#7 Erm, this one is for sale!

#8 Despicable baking skills

#9 Well, at least it’s been presented well
#10 Is it wrong to laugh?

Moms, I know that I’ve paraded your cake disasters for all to see, but, really, you have my utmost respect. You’re clearly very caring, proactive parents. You aimed high, you gave it your all, and, well, it could have been so spectacular.
The next time you go for it, perhaps have some healthy baby food on standby.
I’ll leave you with the words of Henry Ford, the wise cake (or was it car) maker…