50 Duck Jokes That’ll Quack You Up

Natalie Grant (with child sleeping)
Written by Natalie Grant Updated on October 11th, 2023

If you are feeling a bit downy, dive into these 50 duck jokes and have a laugh.

We love feeding bread to these lovely soft waddling creatures. And we laugh at their funny quacking noises.

When watching Disney cartoon characters like Donald duck, we laugh out loud. Donald with his quacking speech or as we know it Quacklish.

We giggle at the Mama duck with her duckling as they walk behind her, some of them getting lost and quacking away.

So don’t be a lame duck and join in with these duck jokes and you’ll be living quackily ever after.

  1. What do you get when you cross a duck with a kangaroo? A quackaroo.
  2. Why did the duck lose his medical license? He was a quack.
  3. What do you call a duck that loves making puns? A quack-up comedian.
  4. Duck was always ready for a fight. He’s a featherweight champion.
  5. Where do ducks like to shop? At the mall-ard.
  6. Why did the duck go to the doctor? Because he was feeling a little down.
  7. How do ducks celebrate New Year? With fire-quackers.
  8. What did the duck say when he bought lipstick? “Put it on my bill.”
  9. What do you call a duck with a sunburn? A crispy quacker.
  10. Did you hear about the duck spa? Yes, you can get a beak-icure and some wing therapy.
  11. Why did the duck cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken.
  12. What do you get when you cross a duck and a vampire? Count Quackula.
  13. What do you call a duck that steals? A robber ducky.
  14. Why don’t ducks tell jokes while they fly? They might quack up.
  15. What do you call a duck that’s always on the go? A quacktivist.
  16. Duck is always invited to parties. He brings the cheese and quakers.
  17. We go to the duck opera all the time. We love the con-duck-tor.
  18. Why did the duck join the army? He wanted to be a command-duck.
  19. Did you see who won the Duck Oscars? Yes, Leonardo Di Quackrio.
  20. Why did the duck buy a round bed? Because he wanted to sleep in circles.
  21. What do you call a duck that’s a lawyer? A quack-torney.
  22. Why did the duck get kicked out of the movie theater? He wouldn’t stop quacking up during the film.
  23. Why did the duck go to the doctor? He had a quack in his throat.
  24. What do you call a duck that’s a doctor? A quack-titioner.
  25. Why don’t ducks like other birds? They’re cheep.
  26. Did you hear about the great duck detective? Sher-duck Holmes.
  27. What do you call a group of ducks playing music? A “quack”tet.
  28. Why did the duck go to the psychiatrist? Because he was feeling a little “down” in the dumps.
  29. What do ducks watch on TV? Duckumentaries.
  30. Who’s a duck’s favorite rapper? Drake.
  31. What do you get when you cross a duck and a kangaroo? A jumping quack.
  32. Why did the duck get in trouble at school? Because he was caught “quack”ing jokes during class.
  33. What do you get when you cross a duck and a computer? A “quack”book.
  34. Where does Donald like to eat? Taco Bell as they have great quack-amole.
  35. Donald Duck got a job at a bakery. He loves to “quack” eggs.
  36. Why did Daffy Duck refuse to go to the beach? Because he was afraid of getting his feathers “ruffled.”
  37. What is a duck’s favorite singer? D-affy with her song “Bird Seed”.
  38. Why did the duck go to space? To find the “quack” hole.
  39. What did the duck say when he saw a beautiful goose? “Take a gander at her.”
  40. What do you call a duck that’s always on the go? A “quack”tive duck.
  41. Why did the duck boycott the pond? It was too shallow.
  42. Duck went every morning to his pond. He was fishing for compliments.
  43. Why did the duck not want to go to his cousin’s at Thanksgiving? Everyone roasted him.
  44. The duck stood in the queue for ages. He had to wait his tern.
  45. How do ducks toast each other? They bottom’s up.
  46. Why did the duck want to join the band? To play the drumstick.
  47. Ducks don’t like being married. They want to be free as a bird.
  48. Why did the duck stop flapping its wings? Because it was “exhaust-winged”.
  49. What do ducks like to drink? Cock-quails.
  50. That duck is a con artist. He got the swan to sign her “cygnet”-ure.
Natalie Grant (with child sleeping)
Written by Natalie Grant Updated on October 11th, 2023